Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Gospel

Any person who hasn't received Jesus as Savior and Lord will go to hell.  It doesn't matter if he/she is a homosexual, an adulterer, a murderer, a thief, a liar, a drunkard, a drug addict, a rebellious person, an idolater, or any other kind of sinner.

Man is accountable to God.  Every person who has ever lived, lives now, or will live must give an account for the life he/she has lived.  If all their sins have been forgiven by Jesus before that person enters into eternity then he/she shall inherit eternal life.  If not, then God will cast him/her into hell as punishment for having sinned against God.

God does not want anyone to go to hell.  He made a way for you, me, and everyone else to be forgiven of their sins.  He had Jesus, who knew no sin, to become sin for us.  When Jesus died on the cross He took God's judgment for our sins upon Himself.  Jesus paid the price for our sins, which is death, so we would not have too.

Jesus is not dead.  God raised Him from the dead.  He sits at the right hand of the Father.  Because He does we can be set free from sin, have a meaningful  life here on the earth, and have eternal life when we die.

If you believe that Jesus died for you, and you want to receive what Jesus did for you, then you can be saved  if you turn to Him in prayer, and ask Him to forgive you of your sins, to come live in your heart, and be the Lord (boss) of your life.  If you do, then Jesus will come live in your heart, and He will  make you a new creature in Christ Jesus.  He will give you a new nature which is after His own.  As you live for Him He will give meaning and purpose in your life, and He will set you free from the sins that plague your life.

If you don't, life will continue as it is or even get worse, and when you die you will perish because you died in your sins.

Do you want Jesus to save you from the penalty of sin, which is eternal death?  If you do, then turn to God in prayer and ask Him to forgive you of your sins, to come live in your heart, and be the Lord of your life.


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